Working with compass helped me find a job I love
When I first started this new adventure with Compass, I was very nervous and not sure about the process. I didn’t even know what jobs I was interested in. Compass helped me prepare for future employment by improving my interview and job preparedness skills. After completing career testing and evaluating job tasks, I realized that I enjoyed being around people and socializing, helping others, janitorial and gardening. I was becoming a little more comfortable and ready to start on my new journey and I was ready to make some money so I could be more independent.
There have been times during this undertaking that I wanted to give up especially when COVID-19 happened and I was quarantined. I continued to work with my Employment Specialist over the phone: we worked on interview skills, etiquette and proper attire. In July, I was able to start going out so I would check on different positions within my community and self-advocate.
I got a job at the Sportsman Pub. At first, I was very nervous and my anxiety got the better of me. Eventually I came out of my shell and started talking with my co-workers and customers. Recently, I have even been working a couple more days a week to cover for those who are sick. I am glad I continued working with Compass and found work. I love my job and I hope that there will be more opportunities for me to grow in the future. I love being a part of a team and a valued team member.