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what is person
centered planning?

Each plan is a collaborative process of gathering information on each individual and focusing on each person's capacity, but honoring their preferences, choices, and abilities. During the process the planning team will come up with realistic, but challenging goals for each individual. An awesome person centered plan includes everyone.
A person centered plan will be helpful for ISP's, Behavior Therapists, Special Education teachers, parents, residential staff and any other staff that serves our individuals.
who can receive a person centered plan?
FCS particants and those on the IFS Waiver. Also, those in Employment and Community Access Services can receive a Compass Person Centered Plan

how does the process work?
An experienced Compass facilitator will schedule
an introduction with the person receiving the plan and a trusted
member of his or her Circle of Support.
During this introduction our qualified facilitator will:
o Explain the process of Person Centered Planning.
o Gain information using a History Timeline.
o Help to identify the Circle of Support.
o Schedule a date & time – keeping in mind what time of day the individual will most likely be engaged and be able to have all of the people attend.
o Location - Offer ideas; assist to reserve space if needed.
The facilitator will call or email each person who is a part of the Individual’s Circle of Supports. This will be a formal invitation to people invested in supporting this Individual’s hopes, dreams, and personal growth.
Achievable action steps will be built using the Person-Directed approach to Person Centered Planning on the day of the meeting. The facilitator will record the meeting using seven large sheets of paper, bright markers, an optimistic and positive attitude to gain meaningful and thorough information for the individuals we serve.
In reach of 2 weeks of the meeting, a Compass facilitator will write the initial plan and forward it to the individual, the Case Resource Manager, and other persons relevant to the implementation of the plan.
Within 90 days of the meeting, a Compass facilitator will schedule a follow up meeting to track progress toward goals.
Plans are updated if and when the individual wishes to make changes, or when a goal or aspiration is achieved. Compass recommends that a Person Centered Plan be reviewed and if needed; updated every 3 years as interests, goals, and personalities change with personal growth.
At any time, individuals may request follow up meetings to answer questions, review plans, and provide changes to the plan based on the individual’s needs.
Compass facilitators will always be available to provide continuity with each Person Centered Plan.
Compass Person Centered Plan meetings are always optimistic and focus on goals and positive outcomes.
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